
Along with welcoming new members to Travel Exchange 2014, NTA is opening the door to another group of first-time attendees: travel agents. Agents will participate at the Los Angeles-based convention on Feb.

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19 and 20, the last two days of the event.

NTA has created a roundtable networking session that allows travel agents to meet with participating tour operators and then visit with destination representatives who secure a tabletop display highlighting their destination and information from supplier partners. In addition to the Feb. 19 session, travel agents can mingle with NTA members at luncheons, education seminars and social functions.

“We opened the dialogue with members about including travel agents 10 months ago at Travel Exchange ’13 in Orlando, and board chair Mark Hoffmann has since discussed the idea during interactive webinars,” said Lisa Simon, CTP, NTA president. “Members made positive comments about this opportunity for new business, so we moved forward and created an NTA program for agent participation.

Travel Exchange is co-hosted by NTA and the United Motorcoach Association. The combined appointment and trade show takes place at the Los Angeles Convention Center February 16–20, 2014.

\National Tour Association, headquarters@NTAstaff.com; www.NTAonline.com