The Nevis Tourism Authority (NTA) today announced the appointment of Greg Phillip to the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He is charged with the responsibility of directing and managing the international promotion of the island of Nevis as a world-class Caribbean tourism destination.

Mr. Phillip began his career in finance as a Capitation Accountant with NYLCare in Houston, Texas in 1996. In 1998 he joined The Bank of Nova Scotia in Nevis as manager and served for eight years.

In recent years he chose to devote himself to the tourism sector and comes to the position with a wealth of experience relevant to promoting Nevis. For nine years Mr. Phillip has been a director of the St. Kitts & Nevis Hotel and Tourism Association and has worked as a consultant in the local tourism industry. He champions the cause of sport tourism on Nevis and is an organizer of the renowned Nevis International Triathlon. Most recently he has served as the Chairman of the Nevis Tourism Authority, a position he will demit to assume duties as CEO of the NTA.

On the instruction of Honorable Mark Brantley, Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism, the Board of Directors of the Nevis Tourism Authority conducted an exhaustive search for a CEO to replace the incumbent, Mr. John Hanley whose contract has ended. Mr. Philip, in his capacity as Chairman of the NTA, recused himself from the process when his name came under consideration. The Board of Directors of the NTA has since recommended his appointment to the Minister.

“After considering over 30 applications and conducting exhaustive interviews, I am pleased that the Board has selected Mr. Phillip who comes to the position with impeccable academic credentials, a keen understanding of Nevis, and a wealth of experience in the tourism industry”, said Minister Brantley.

Nevis Tourism Authority,