
Brand USA, the destination marketing organization for the United States, is launching its culinary initiative aimed at promoting gastro-tourism and showcasing the U.S. as a top culinary destination for world travelers.

“American cuisine captures inspiration from all over the world, truly embodying the diversity and history of the United States,” said Christopher L.

Thompson, President and CEO of Brand USA. “We’re excited to invite travelers to experience the culinary highlights of each region of the country.

The Department of State’s Diplomatic Culinary Partnership collaborated with Brand USA to produce the guide, which is published in six languages and features thirty-one James Beard affiliated chefs with recipes from all regions of the U.S.

Five of the chefs featured in the culinary guide will travel to five different key markets in Asia. The chefs’ travel will coincide with U.

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S. Independence Day celebrations at U.

S missions in China, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. The participating chefs include: Rick Bayless of Chicago, IL; Tory McPhail of New Orleans, LA; Barbara Lynch of Boston, MA; Bryce Gilmore of Austin, TX; and Sam Kass of Washington, D.C.

The guide will be available in other markets where Brand USA has representation.

Brand USA,