In just the past 6 months, the Association for the Promotion of Tourism To Africa (APTA) has held a very successful National Forum in Denver and had a presence at the One World Travel Show in San Francisco, as well as at Luxury Travel Expo in Las Vegas. In January, APTA hosted another Focus on Africa seminar at the New York Times Travel Show, the North East chapter hosted their annual “Gathering”, and the Midwest Chapter flew the banner at the Chicago Travel & Adventure Show.
In February APTA will also be represented at the Boston Globe Travel show, and at the Travel & Adventure show in Santa Clara.
While APTA aims to promote tourism to Africa through webinars, e-blasts, banner ads, social media, and newsletters, when it comes to building meaningful relationships of any kind there is still a lot to be said for face time over Facebook; for seeing eye to eye, rather than iPhone to iPhone. So while staying in step with the information age and technology, APTA remains exceptional in that they still facilitate the personal interactions and meetings of the mind that eventually make all the difference.
Their directory of members is growing; the calendar of events is packed with chapter meetings, presentations, trade shows and educational opportunities, and their website is fast becoming the number one resource for the industry.