Travelzoo®, a popular publisher of exclusive offers and experiences for members, has released its latest data around travel intent in 2021 and beyond. The new insights, based on the latest numbers from Travelzoo’s monthly member surveys, come on the one-year anniversary of COVID being recognized as a global pandemic. The good news: Americans’ desire to get back to traveling is surging.
Here’s a snapshot of Travelzoo’s February and March data:
Overall travel intent:
66% of Travelzoo’s U.S. members are traveling now, or are ready to travel, with little or no hesitation
85% are planning at least one domestic trip in 2021
53% are planning at least one international trip in 2021
On COVID vaccines:
52% of Travelzoo’s U.S. members have received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine (up from 23% in February)
31% have not yet received a vaccine but will as soon as they get access (down from 54% in February)
17% are hesitant about getting a Covid vaccine (down from 23% in February)
The Top 5 destinations being searched on Travelzoo right now:
Florida (Key West pictured above)
Las Vegas
The Caribbean
On Spring Break, Are they going?
40% have booked, or are planning on booking, a 2021 spring break trip
26% are undecided
Where are they going?
33% will head to a beach destination for spring break
22% will head to a big city
13% will head to a nature retreat
How will they get there?
48% will get to their spring break destination by plane (a 28% increase from July 2020)
46% will get there by car (a 25% decrease from July 2020)
How long will they stay?
37% will stay 3-4 nights
36% will stay 5-7 nights
8% will stay 8-14 nights
4% will stay 14+ nights
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Data stems from Travelzoo’s surveys of members across the U.S. in February and March 2021. The surveys (conducted Feb. 2-3, with 1345 respondents, and March 6-8, with 1394 respondents) were fielded via online questionnaires.