DEMA’s Board of Directors made changes to the association following the group’s board meeting last month. Among these changes was the creation of a new online forum on for Industry stakeholders to discuss, engage, and collaborate with DEMA and other Industry professionals.
During the Strategy Session the need for DEMA to participate in better dialogue and two-way, collaborative conversations with its members was determined as a high priority. Stakeholders voiced their desire for a DEMA-based forum where Industry stakeholders can provide feedback and engage with DEMA in dialogue about the Association and Industry-related issues.
During June’s Board meeting, the DEMA Board of Directors agreed to immediately activate such a platform on the DEMA website.
DEMA’s new forum hosts a number of discussion categories where users can click through to find specific topics and posts in which they wish to engage. Currently, forum categories include: Association News; DEMA Show News; Retailer Resources, Support & Education; Industry Research; and Legislative News.
Additional categories will be added as needed and as topic trends emerge and become relevant to the Industry and forum participants.