The first ILTM Africa closed today having established the scene for the continent’s luxury travel industry, in a niche event that focused on 2 days of business.

ILTM Africa opened with a Forum that brought speakers from the continent to discuss such diverse issues as the economic and political overview of South Africa and what faces the African luxury travel industry of the future, including their needs and the expectations of the international consumer.

The Forum was followed by one-to-one meetings between 71 suppliers of elite African product and the global buyers – some 2,591 appointments over the 2 days.

“The product matches with the criteria of what the show is all about,” said Custodio Jr of Kangaroo Tours Brazil, who was a first time buyer at the event.

Alison Gilmore, Exhibition Director, ILTM Portfolio said that this first event has delivered as expected for buyers and suppliers.

“There is more to come and we are now planning for 2014 on the back of so many satisfied exhibitors,” said Gilmore.

“We will no doubt be able to produce more product as well to ensure our international buyers find exactly what they want from Africa for their clients”.