The second edition of IMEX America came to a close earlier this week with the announcement that all of the show’s key performance measures were up on last year’s debut show.

Speaking at the show’s closing press conference, Chairman Ray Bloom firstly thanked the show’s key partners who were also represented at the event.  Bloom then went on to express his satisfaction that the show had hosted 2,400 buyers from across North America and 43 other global markets, up 20 percent from last year. In addition, the trade show had also welcomed around 1,700 attendees. He also explained that the new benefits and facilities package introduced for these attendees had been well-received.

This year 2,413 individual exhibiting companies showcased their destinations, venues, products and services at the three-day trade show, filling halls C and D to capacity.

As a result, Bloom announced that the show will move to bigger halls at the Sands Expo in 2013.  He also announced that the hosted buyer program would also be significantly increased for next year’s show.

Over 38,000 appointments were made to meet with exhibitors at their booths – up 60 percent.

A notable feature of the show is the amount of time that buyers spend on the show floor and the seriousness with which they take their appointments, with many booking business during the trade show.

“It’s been real easy to use the online appointment system, easy to schedule appointments and easy to change things around.

It’s just excellent,” said Monique Thompkins of Paisley’s Event Planning.

The show’s Euro Party on Wednesday was also a success with 22 European exhibitors turning the halls into a celebration of European entertainment and diversity.

Looking ahead to 2013, Bloom noted that the dates of future shows at the Sands Expo as October 15-17, 2013; October 14-16, 2014 and October 13-15, 2015.

IMEX America,