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Micronesia, “The Land of Tiny Islands”, is an ideal vacation spot for the experienced traveler as well as those who are new to the tropics. The collection of small, scattered Pacific islands remains virtually untouched by the 20th century.
Universal Travel System is offering a 20 day program to Micronesia, starting with a visit to Hawaii and continuing to the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Island of Guam, the Northern Marianas and the Republic of Palau.
The three archipelagos that compromise Mirconesia are readily explored. The area is an underwater museum with hundreds of ships and planes that hold particular appear for scuba divers and snorkelers.
Both hikers and anglers will also find the islands most rewarding.
Accommodations in this Pacific paradise range from bungalows to elegant deluxe hotels. The land cost is $6,200.00 (share basis). Air from Los Angeles via United Airlines, with departure dates every Sunday during 2012 and 2012, with extensions to Nauru, Tarawa and Abemama available.
Universal Travel System, 800-255-4338; www.uts-travel.com