Americans seldom have the opportunity to visit North Korea.

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While Visas for U.S. citizens are difficult to obtain, Universal Travel System (UTS) of Santa Monica, California was able to take several groups of American travelers to this isolated country in June 2010 and September 2011. UTS is able to obtain visas for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Klaus Billep, UTS president, says that “our 7 day, 5 night tour departs Los Angeles on Asiana Airlines for a two night stop in Beijing and a city tour that includes the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, and Tiananmen Square. After viisting Beijing the group flies to Pyongyang, the DPRK capital, and the political, economic and culture center of the country. The tour stays at the deluxe Yanggakdo Hotel, a landmark in the city.

Pyongyang was the capital of Koguryo, the first feudal state of Korea. While the city was completely leveled during the Korean War it was completely rebuilt afterwards giving it the appearance of a modern city.

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There are over 70 large parks and recreation grounds and many monumental edifices, museums, cultural and art venues to visit. Sightseeing includes Mangyounddae, the birthplace of Kim  II Sung, the Great Leader, Mangyong Hill, the city’s most elevated spot, Arch Triumph, Victorious Fatherland and the Liberation War Musuem.

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The tour also includes visits to Kaesong, an ancient Korean capital famous for ginseng, 10th century Pagoda, 14th century Sonjuk Bridge and Koryo Songyumkwan Museum.

A half day is spent touring Panmunjom. Tour participants attend the an evening at the world famous DPKR National Circus Performance. While departure dates are offered throughout the year, the May 30th departure will be hosted by Bill Altaffer, the second most traveled person in the world.

UTS, 800-255-4338,,