MacNair Travel Management, a privately owned American Express Representative Office, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and president and CEO Mike MacNair is preparing to embark on the next 25 years. Recently, the MTM team came together over a 2-day celebration honoring the transformation the company has made, recognizing its valued partners, charting out …
Barceló Maya Beach Resort, one of Barceló Hotels & Resort’s signature all-inclusive complexes, has added a new award to their collection: The MLT Vacations Quality Assurance Award. The award was presented at MLT University and recognizes Barceló Maya Beach Resort’s commitment to providing outstanding customer service and experience. Barceló Maya Beach Resort is an all-inclusive …
The skies between the U.S. and Brazil have never been as crowded as, say, between the U.S. and the UK. But efforts to connect the two most populous countries in the Americas have nevertheless taken some unusual turns over the years — however short-lived. Hard not to remember, for example, Omar Fontana’s luxurious service between …